Sunday, October 18, 2009


Faith, belief in what cannot be seen
Not always what it seems
Just heed the master plan
Ignore the logic if you can
I really want to see
Did we invent this thing?
Is it a part of me?

I've heard the cries, I've seen the wars
But I still can't shake the feeling
That what we are is not the thing that we want to be

Give me a clue, give me a sign
Give me a reason to get in line
Behind the masses, join the throng
Everyone's right and everybody else is wrong
Passing the plate, another example
How can you smile as the people are trampled
Under foot...God's will doesn't seem to apply

I've heard the cries, I've seen the wars
But I still can't shake the feeling
That what we are is not the thing that we want to be

Trust, the essence of the Shining Way
But there are so many ways
Salvation at your door
Just read this colorful brochure
I really want to see
Are they deceiving me?
Are they the enemy?

1 comment:

  1. This is another one from the active Bureau of Control can hear the recorded version at the afore-mentioned MySpace page.
